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Mental Health Issues Impact ANYONE!

Hello again to all returning readers and welcome to those who are reading for the first time! This is the official blog for Life & Wellness Counseling and Consulting and we are glad that you’re here.

Last week, we focused on the topic of Mental Health vs. Mental Illness and this week our blog post will discuss how Mental Health Issues can impact ANYONE. Be sure to check-in with us weekly because life is beautiful!

Since we examined how Mental Health and Mental Illness are two different terms in last week’s blog, we want to look at some of the statistical information framing Mental Illness. We at Life & Wellness are dedicated to breaking down the barriers surrounding Mental Health and Mental Illness, so that more people aren’t AFRAID to seek help (therapy/counseling).

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Depression, is the number one leading cause of disability WORLDWIDE!!! And out of the millions and millions of people who suffer from Mental Health issues, 60% of them DO NOT receive any type of Mental Health service. 60%!!! That’s OVER half of individuals suffering from Mental Health Issues. That results in SOME people feeling the need to take their own lives. 90% of people who die by suicide have an underlying Mental Illness.

If we can break the stigma that encompasses Mental Health, Mental Illness and Therapy, we can LOWER the percentage of Americans that go untreated and feel the need to take their lives…

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